Register your CellaVision software license

An Internet connection is required to register your CellaVision software license. If the computer running the CellaVision software does not have access to the Internet, you can upload the registration file here and obtain the license by following the steps below.

CellaVision instrument

How to register your CellaVision® software license

1.Run the License Registration tool on the computer where you installed the CellaVision software.

2.In the License Registration tool, click Register License and fill in the mandatory fields.

3.Click Export registration file and save the file.

4.In the box below, click Browse and select the exported registration file, then click Upload file.

Upload your registration file


5.Click the Download button to save the license file. The file is saved to the default download location.

6.In the License Registration tool, click Import License and select the file.

7.The software is registered when you can see the License Type and Key in the Available Licenses window.

If you need to register another license, click here.